Click Assist
Gets Results

SEO and Online Marketing can be a money pit that doesn't produce results if not done correctly. Lets work together to get it right.


Click Assist have heaps of experience

We have over a decade worth of SEO and Online marketing experience under our belts but that wasn't easy to achieve. Click Assist started as a printing business where the market is very competitive with tight profit margins. This required us to draw in a high volume of business to keep the lights on. To achieve this Click Assist started to learn the bare basics of SEO. It was a struggle at first and we made plenty of mistakes. As mistakes were made, lessons were learned and that sculpted us into the Online marketing masterminds we are today. Now we know what does and doesn't work when it comes to online ranking and also have a solid process that can be adapted to help just about any customer.

Being marketing nerds, we keep up to date with all the latest trends so that we can adapt our process to take advantage of the best techniques and technologies. This means that when we take clients on, we ensure to look at the long term and not how we can give clients a quick fix of cash. SEO doesn't happen overnight so we only ever accept work that we know will provide great results for a long time. We don't believe in doing cash grabs and like to build long lasting relationships with our clients.

Also, we believe in being ethical in the way that we work. Don't go near "hacks" that trick google into ranking you higher as that will always lead to a downfall in the future as the hacks tend to lack in longevity and will lead your website ranking into free fall.

Go Beyond Great Design By Building a Marketing Machine

Sure we know how to sling pixels around to make something look pretty but, we go further than that by focusing on getting results. Having a great looking website and ranking well go hand in hand and one doesn't really work without the other. You may build a website that ranks well on google but if it's impossible to navigate, you've fallen at the first hurdle.

It's unlikely that leads will purchase upon first visit to your website. They may check your website out 2 or 3 times before spending money on your products or services. There is an art to keeping your brand in a leads mind even after they initially visit your site and we have cracked it. Whether you contact them via email or utilise adverts and social media to get in front of them, we can get a strategy that works for you. Before you know it your website will become a marketing machine that brings the customers coming back for more. Now all you have to worry about is your morning brew. Feel free to check out some of our services below.

Most Importantly

Lets Bring it Back to You

Deciding where to invest your time and money as a business is an important decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. You need to ensure that you see a return on the money you spend. Click Assist will ensure that happens. Through extensive research and experience we will make sure that we don't just drive random people to your website. We will bring the right kind of customers in and tailor your marketing strategy to please them. If you want to work with us then don't hesitate to pick up the phone or email us. Alternatively, click the button below to get the ball rolling.
